Sunnybrook Community Church
Sunnybrook Community Church
The Book of Ruth: 4 Signs You Have a Keeper (3/5)
For the past couple of weeks together, we have been studying the book of Ruth. Deemed Scripture’s “chick flick,” it is a beautiful story of the providence of God and the faithfulness of his people. And this week, we have made it to everyone’s favorite moment of the chick flick: When the sparks start to fly!
As Ruth and Boaz meet and begin to form a connection, we get to watch as they build their relationship in a way that honors God and the other person. If you are someone right now that is dating, struggling with dating, or in a relationship that could use some work — this week is for you. Together, Pastor Lydia Miller will walk us through how to date well, love others intentionally, and honor God in the process.
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