Sunnybrook Community Church

Sunnybrook Unscripted #92 - Is Discipline An Issue? – 2024 Re-Release

Sunnybrook Community Church

Episode Notes: 

~The overall goal of parenting is to bring up a biblically and morally responsible child.~ 

 “Train up a child in the way they should go, and even when they are old, they will not turn from it.” Proverbs 22:6 

 By age five, you can have most of your discipline issues settled if you are consistent in saying what you mean and mean what you say and deal with issues. 

 Helpful tips for common discipline issues: 

• Whining – don’t allow a whining tone. If using a whiny voice, let your child know you will not hear them. Then set a timer for 5 minutes before they can ask again. 

• Temper tantrum – a temper tantrum needs an audience, so remove them from any audience. Their goal is to embarrass or shame you into complying with them. If it happens in public, be willing to remove them immediately – following through once or twice will show them their tantrum doesn’t work. 

• Temper tantrum when leaving somewhere they don’t want to leave- address this by saying they will not be allowed to come the next time they do this. Then remind in advance when going to that place again. 

• Tattling – Don’t reward tattling; discipline them too. 

• Lying – Lying breaks trust. Let your child know the importance of truth and trust in the relationship, and give them space, to tell the truth. Reward for telling the truth, but also still discipline for bad behavior. 

• Gossip – Gossip is stealing someone’s reputation and good name. Don’t let your kids see/hear you doing this. Curb it quickly in them and instead speak positively about others. 

 Discussion Questions: 

1. Share together the discipline issues do you most struggle in parenting your children. 

2. Discuss how the principles you’ve learned thus far in this podcast series help you with those.