Sunnybrook Community Church

Sunnybrook Unscripted #88 - Love Speaks– 2024 Re-Release

Sunnybrook Community Church

Episode Notes: 

~The overall goal of parenting is to bring up a biblically and morally responsible child.~ 

 Love languages can be helpful to utilize with your kids and help them to be more others-centered. 

 The 5 Love Languages (Gary Chapman): 

1. Gifts – giving gifts that express love 

2. Words of Affirmation – words that affirm 

3. Physical Touch – holding hands, loving touch 

4. Quality time – spending intentional one on one time together 

5. Acts of Service – serving another with desired acts 

 Speak all five of the languages, but learn how you can best express love to your child’s preference. 

 You can teach the love languages to your kids to help them be others-centered. (“How can you be encouraging to your brother/sister today?”) 

 If you’ve never taken the Love Languages quiz, here’s a link: 

 Discussion Questions: 

1. What are your love languages as parents? 

2. Discuss what your kids’ love languages might be. 

3. How might you help your family come together in awareness of one another’s love languages and intentionally show love to one other?