Sunnybrook Community Church

Sunnybrook Unscripted #86 - Marriage Rules– 2024 Re-Release

Sunnybrook Community Church

Episode Notes: 

~The overall goal of parenting is to bring up a biblically and morally responsible child.~ 

•The significance of marriage in parenting is that God has created a family first and foremost in the marriage relationship. A child/children are a welcome part of that family; they are subordinate to the marriage relationship, not the center.

 •Practical advice: prioritize spending the first ten minutes at home connecting with your spouse and modeling that in front of your kids. 

•Child-centered parenting is incredibly dangerous. Revolving your entire world around your child cultivates self-centered/self-absorbed perspectives in your child that will negatively impact them into adulthood. Marriage-centered parenting cultivates greater security in the life of a child. 

•Marital conflict plays a significant role in the life of a child. If an argument starts in front of your kids, ensure that the resolution does as well. 

When conflict happens (whether between spouses or between children), practice: 

•Repentance- I was wrong 

•Forgiveness- will you forgive me 

•Restoration- kiss and make up 

If you’re struggling with keeping conflict out of the line of your kids, get someone to watch them and go get help. (Sunnybrook has marriage mentor couples or a list of professional counselors to help – contact

Your child can find security in witnessing your own dependence upon God in the midst of struggles with or the absence of a spouse. 

Discussion Questions: 

1. Would you say that you have a marriage-centered or child-centered approach to parenting? How has this podcast impacted your perspective on this subject? 

2. How might you practically invest more in your marital relationship so that your children might experience greater security? 

3. What are your tendencies when it comes to conflict resolution between you and your spouse? How might you model healthy conflict resolution before your kids? 

4. How might you help your kids practice healthy conflict resolution within the home? 

5. In what ways can you practically model dependence upon God in the midst of struggles at home, either between you and your spouse or with your kids?