Sunnybrook Community Church

Sunnybrook Unscripted #85 - Being Dad– 2024 Re-Release

Sunnybrook Community Church

Episode Notes: 

~The overall goal of parenting is to bring up a biblically and morally responsible child.~ 

Dads play a major role in the life of a child. The ultimate goal of fatherhood is to move to mutual trust and loyalty. 

3 phases: 

•Biological- birth them 

•Provider- provide for them 

•Mutual trust and loyalty- spend quality and quantity time with your kids. This takes effort and sacrifice. 

 The average father only spends 6 minutes per day with their child. It takes much more than this to be a great dad. 

 7 things men can do to be intentional with their kids: 

1. Create a sense of family identity (this is what the _____’s do) 

2. Love your wife – the best thing you can do for you kids is love their mother 

3. Respect your kids’ private world- hold in reverence things they share with you 

4. Keep your promises- be a person of your word and follow through 

5. Give your kids the freedom to fail 

6. Be an encourager 

7. Give physical touch (hug/wrestle with your boys, hug your daughters) 

 Discussion Questions: 

1. What kind of dad did you grow up with? Or without? 

2. Dads, what are some ways you can be deliberate about spending more time with your kids in order to build mutual trust and loyalty? 

3. Discuss each of the 7 things you can do to be intentional with your kids. What are some practical ways to live those out?